Red Shield
Global Domination
warframe's grind is fukking absurd
grind for hours then they have the nerve to make you watch a timer on top of that? then you gotta go grind more to level up the gear?no
I've been playing warframe since 2018.
The grind is only going to look absurd to a new player. But once you play for awhile.. like just 2 weeks, you will realize it's really not. You're only going to be grinding for awhile..
to get your MR up and to get the frame/weps you will actually use going forward.
Most the frames and weapons you make.. you will truthfully never use after making them. So the timer for making them becomes irrelevant after you got the shyt you actually will be using.
And leveling up shyt don't take long once you got Sedna defense unlocked. That's 2-3 games max to get your shyt to lv30.. and they do double xp often enough