It was at nycc so I dont know but it's the first mission from the trailerWas it the same E3 demo?
Also like most games
This has skill trees and coustumes
It look like 40 boxes for each charcter
They showed the mafia hulk and the all silver iron man suit that was in a trailer after the demo
Cap lthrowsvthe shield like a Baterang and has take down animations
Hulk can pick people up and use them as clubs to beat other people with
The hammer physics are pretty good but it moves kind of slow and they expect you to have him knock down fly ing enemies
Yeah it's looking better, can't lie about about that. Another 4 months of polish should be huge for the gamepolish is showing, this shyt may sell 3 million copies first day.
Kamala is one of the best heroes that Marvel has created in years. The push is well deserved.Why Kamala tho
This is some next level shilling from Marvel
That's besides the point. She was barely an Avenger and doesn't fit like every other teenager. We got no Hank or Janet in this but Kamala...Kamala is one of the best heroes that Marvel has created in years. The push is well deserved.