Marvel Studios President Confirms Black Panther Movie Is In Development

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department


First, the Nigerian dude above is dark skin.

Second, BP is always drawn and portrayed as an archetypal African dark skin type.

Third, I have yet to see anyone that isn't dark skin in Wakanda, BP's kingdom, after 10+ chapters. Even Storm is dark skin.

Fourth, I'm tired of jealous nikkas hating on dark skins. In their most natural form, black people are dark skin and ever so slight variations thereof. Deal with it.


I was responding to another poster that said that Chiwetel is "too light". I was saying that as a full blooded African, dude is fine for BP.

I personally don't think we should be too petty in regards to skin tone, I mean, if they try to cast Drake or someone I'll shyt bricks but most of the guys being talked about would work out fine....:manny:


Aug 12, 2012
I'd throw Nate Parker's name into the hat.




33 years old but frankly he looks like he could play younger if necessary (Of course, the longer Marvel sits on it's ass, the older he and everyone else being talked about is going to get). Good looks (No homo...but he has that square jaw look that comics tend to have). Great build and can bulk up more if necessary. He's not a star, but frankly, Holly-wood doesn't really have any young black male stars at the moment and this SHOULD be the role that takes someone to the next level.

The truth is that these big roles in these types of movies usually audition everyone and their mother for the part. I remember "Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" had every white bytch alive going in for an audition. I'd imagine that if Marvel was truly casting for a Black Panther movie, you'd have every black male actor in Holly-wood lining up for a shot. This could do for a young buck what Independence Day did for Will Smith.

Only way that wouldn't happen would be if Marvel was dead set on some big name like Denzel or someone like that, but most of those guys in his class are either A) too old or B) Just not right for the part any-ways.

I personally think it should be a straight up origin story, the character shouldn't be "Black Panther" at the start of the film...and honestly, my personal theory is that "Wakanda" as we know it shouldn't exist yet either. Wakanda should be like "Nubia", an ancient nation that people in Africa still dream of but that was destroyed long ago. Film revolves around the control of newly discovered Vibranium hidden deep in the crust, a treasure of the once great Wakandan civilization. Film should end with T'Challa as the leader of a new nation-state, controlling all of the Vibraniun in the world, with the sky as the limit for him and his people. Than BP2 comes out and we get to see it in all its glory after massive industrialization.

Regardless, an origin story is the only way this character is getting his own film (series). If we hear rumors of some older head being cast as BP than that's likely a sign that he's just going to be a new Avengers member and will never get his own shyt....:to:

You really have a mind full of ideas....

Would I be right to guess that one aspect you think Black folks need to become elite in is animation? I believe so because it seems out of the various fields we have been in, that is one thing we have dropped the ball on somewhat...I mean besides "The Boondocks" there is not much more...and that is something that has long hiatuses and is not extremely well known..

All the XBOX(America) and PS4(Japan) threads on here made me wonder, what it would be like if we had African sounding names decades from now if we were more successful as a race the same way right now Japan has 'Toyota" "Mitsubishi" "Nintendo" "Toshiba" " Honda" Nissan" ...wouldn't it be Beautiful?

Me personally I think what we need to focus on is

--Food industry(yeah we are always good but we need to make it on a mainstream level to make people be reminded about us....this is not just restaurants but groceries also
--Animation/Graphic industry....we need to stop acting like this is "nerdy" we can be out of the box with our unique originality and not just search for scraps in Princess and the Frog and Black Panther movies

--Film industry(obviously appropriate for this thread) ...i may get killed for saying this but that is the one thing i always believe the cacs have destroyed us in...yes even the "underrated" movies....alot of movies that have ended up classic for us are not gonna age well and it seems like we end up with the slavery movies, hood movies, movies with crooked cops(training day),etc...

this can go hand in hand with animation/graphic but just a little of what i mean

the same way 50 years ago people would have laughed if you told them Japan would go through a revolution with the list of names i mentioned above....I want naysayers to be proven wrong about African/Black

your thoughts?