Can't wait for Luna/Mantis/and Cloak to get the nerf HAMMER.
Their ults need either complete guts in duration or their ult generation needs to drop through the ground. A ult as strong as Luna's needs to be able to be cast once per round.
Adam is like the only balanced support right now because he can actually be killed, his ult can actually be interrupted, and he can't duel.
Every other support can somehow 1v1 just fine, run for their lives with ease, and when they ult, they are practically invincible.
Adam's ult is the best example of balanced support ults.
1, it doesnt work if adam dies. It has a 3 second cast time where you are exposed. It only rez at 20% hp, meaning they can be instantly killed if not healed immediately, they are qall rezzed in the same area.
Meanwhile Luna can dance on the point 1v6 and not die for 12 seconds.