2021 Grammy Award Winner
They have shifted the entire marvel universe to circle around Avengers for years leading to the recent movie. They have been advertising and pushing the shyt out of it. Oh and by the way the most important charactor in our company's history also has a movie coming out, in a MONTH. Marvel has destroyed spiderman bad since the last movie.
And people are tired of reboots. And spiderman 3 is fresh in peoples' minds...
Its gonna fukkin flop. And not on some john carter shyt, but it ain't gonna blow up like the most recent marvel flicks. Statistically it'll be decent cause of the huge release and 3d pricing but its going to be a general fail and that sucks as a fan of the charactor.

nah man, they know what they're doing. they're locking down the action hero market. i think this reboot of spiderman is gonna push that other trilogy out of people's minds fast. it's gonna be for the college students and the teens while avengers was for those in their 20s and up. that's not to say others won't or don't pay attention to the new spiderman movie, but what i am say is that's gonna be the major market for this movie...