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I can't remember where I posted it, but I said something about Foxx being the greatest pitch man/salesperson for things that probably won't ever happen since the Foxxhole days.
He's a great storyteller, but bad with execution.
Dudes damn near 50 talking about playing one of the greatest boxers whose ever lived.
A good impression doesn't make for a good movie.
Jamie could pull it off, but I don't think I could take him serious, hell I can't even really vibe with his music cuz I can't take it serious. Don't get me wrong, he's a great actor overall and a terrific character actor specifically, probably just me, but I think you need a younger, less known actor partly for credibility purposes, but also because Mike was such a polarizing figure that the viewer needs to fully detach the character from the actor in a way that Jamie wouldn't be able to do for me.
My vote, if he could perfect the speech and bulk up about 20 lbs would be my nikka Rotimi