swallow a kid's kids, then kiss your own kids brehettes
swallow a kid's kids, then kiss your own kids brehettes
White women keep sex on they mind even doing a 8 hour work shift...
I don't see anything wrong with that
swallow a kid's kids, then kiss your own kids brehettes
what is wrong with these white women and these students
All fun and games until these booger wolves give your son hiv
How does it work?This shyt is legit turning into an epidemic. I don't think they should have teachers under the age of 30.
That's not how it works champ...
#gmb is the army better yet the navy
swallow a kid's kids, then kiss your own kids brehettes
edit: those youngboul's must feel like cam..
"worse then that, they go home and kiss they husband
that shyt's disgusting"