Same brehyes! Forgot about her. I was semi attracted to her off the strength off the strength of those tittymeats and the red hair and the fact that she was a teacher. Teachers are a good time.
Same brehyes! Forgot about her. I was semi attracted to her off the strength off the strength of those tittymeats and the red hair and the fact that she was a teacher. Teachers are a good time.
So alyssa beingis confirmed
Im glad Chris made the decision to end it with Alyssa. I like Jasmina but that Michael Michael shyt irritated me. But dude should have just told her he has female roommates.She said she was turned off because he posted "Defund the Police" on Instagram. And his best friend is literally a Police Officer![]()
As soon as she said that i wouldve been
Jasmina was giving off good energy/personality at the wedding. I think his weirdness is shutting him down.Micheal is a weird he gives off weird vibes. I see why jasmina is cautious around him. But they both don’t have any personality. They are both too serious
So Michael lied about having TWO Female roommates?
Like I said before, Jasmina might be a little rigid, but Michael just keeps fukking shyt up over and over and over again![]()