yep but not as much as outrage I've seen bout homosexuality and a dude wearing a skirt he can wear what he wants he's a grown man
Wtf how you gon say that that he needs a bullet in his head smh a lot of you black men are demonic how is he affecting your life that you would think something like this? see yall this killing mentality is bring our community down
your post history leads me to believe you might need that bullet to the head too.
we are concerned and outraged at the condition of our communities, but this thread isn't about that. it's like we can't talk about anything without you sons of bytches bringing up Black on Black crime.
"yall worried about Ukraine but what about Black on Black crime"
"yall worried about diabetes but what about Black on Black crime"
if you're genuinely concerned with having dialouge about "Black on Black crime" then why don't you make a thread about it?
which one of your parents is white, because you got a spirit of confusion over you, I can sense the cacacity in your posts.