Well Henry has been in the business for a long time, and he definitely can see something in Wardlow for him to say that, but too me, a dominant wrestler is the total package, who can wrestle face and heel....which in modern times a lot of wrestler's just aren't there, some were amazing, dominant, money drawing, needle moving faces or heels...but it's hard to be both....I love Roman, I loved him when he was a face, and right now as a heel, but was he a dominant face, No
Right now, Wardlow is in a rough spot, but he's still in the early stages of his TNT title run and he's still over with the AEW galaxy, idk how much money he's drawing or merchandise he's moving, but the crowd definitely loves the guy in his face run
Would be interesting to see him wrestle differently as a heel in his pursuit to capture the AEW championship or regain the TNT title (if and when he loses it)