Thunderbolt Them Suckers
I'd question if this was a game for a 5 year old because it's a turn based strategy game and seemingly gets pretty difficult.
I wonder who this game is for? Too hard for kids. Too 'kiddy' for grown folks.
I'd question if this was a game for a 5 year old because it's a turn based strategy game and seemingly gets pretty difficult.
It's for everyone brehI wonder who this game is for? Too hard for kids. Too 'kiddy' for grown folks.
Post your review.
Anyone else copping this?
It's interesting because I'm now lookin for games I can play with younger family members that encourage things like reading to put a story together or objectives.
This game even has a rating on the back of the box that says "abcd- this game requires a basic ability to read to fully enjoy" that being said it has some words that a second grader won't know. But I haven't seen anything yet that I would say is too difficult. If the child is in like 4th grade they should be good. A lot of the text appears as action is happening during cutscenes and you know younger kids need a second to read.
A young child should easily be able to grasp the concept of some of the easier battles. I.e a bad guy hiding behind a pillar and such.
I'll continue playing then write something short and precise. It's fun thus far. I like the battles I've encountered, I'm uncertain of replay value because unlike monster Hunter or Pokémon and maybe even super Mario rpg, from what I've encountered monsters / battles don't respawn so as of yet I don't think you can go back an battle again for a better score or because you want to do it again. And for some of the battles after you win at least starting out you'll immediately think of a better way / better position and you'll want to do it again. It's kind of like chess or checkers you make a series of moves then your likewhen you see you put yourself in a bad position or left yourself open.
I'm at world 6/29. It seems to still be in tutorial mode in that it's showing you / teaching you new ways to fight. I do lots of walking around and exploring before going to battle and afterwards. I haven't yet seen a way to replay battles. It could be in a menu but it's not by just walking back to where you saw the enemy/enemies to begin with, at least at the world 6 stage of the game.Pretty much every review I've seen has talked about going back and redoing battles to get "perfects", better scores, more coins, etc. There is 100% a way to replay battles. I think you need to do finish the world you're on first and then it unlocks though. Same with the co-op multiplayer.
I copped and played for maybe an hour or two. The game is beautiful and charming, music is wonderful and combat is fun. I really like just exploring and seeing what's out there in the world.
I don't think a 5 year old will be able to beat the gam though, theres a bit of reading to do (most of it is unvoiced) but you can put it on easy and boost your health to get through battles from what I understand. They'll probably be Dewan to the characters but might require you to beat some of the bosses
I played exclusively on the tv, I beat the first big boss even though it took me a retry AND one of my guys took that LHave you played TV mode or hand held? I've exclusively played handheld this far. Less than 10 hours for sure, I know I played sonic mania exclusively handheld for a minute and it was cool but when I put it on the TV that's when the sonic nostalgia really hit me.
I played exclusively on the tv, I beat the first big boss even though it took me a retry AND one of my guys took that L
First non perfect victory for me
I still agree with my initial assessment though
YesIs there local multiplayer?