MOS was probably the best Superman movie put out since the Christopher Reeve era of Superman films. Looking back on it, instead of killing Zod maybe Synder could have introduced kyrptonite into the movie by putting it in the backstory at the start of the movie showing when Krypton was self-destructing. Then using it as plot point in ultimately stopping Zod and showing how it cripples Kryptonians.
At the end of the movie show Zod locked away in a special prison w/red Sun technology in Cadmus labs w/the cell built from Wayne Enterprises.
I did NOT think this was going to make it out of development hell.
I'm not even wasting my time to go see this shyt. That trailer was trash and it comes off as Suicide Squad 1B.
I'm sorry but WB has literally fukked up it's own cinematic universe.
-Had Henry Cavill as Superman for 3 movies and didn't follow up with a M.O.S. sequel.
-Casted a mid 40s Ben Affleck as Batman to only do 2 films and walk.
-Jared Leto as Joker was garbage
-Will Smith quit as Deadshot after only 1 movie.
So out of all of that, the only thing going for DC films are Aquaman, WW2, and Shazam. Batman is being rebooted. The last Superman movie was six years ago. Joker has a solo film that isn't even apart of the DCEU. So going forward Batman reboot, Birds of Prey, & Gotham City Sirens...
Just can the DC film universe after Wonder Woman 84 and start clean with the Batman reboot.
Well that's the problem right there. fukking SynderMOS was probably the best Superman movie put out since the Christopher Reeve era of Superman films. Looking back on it, instead of killing Zod maybe Synder could have introduced kyrptonite into the movie by putting it in the backstory at the start of the movie showing when Krypton was self-destructing. Then using it as plot point in ultimately stopping Zod and showing how it cripples Kryptonians.
At the end of the movie show Zod locked away in a special prison w/red Sun technology in Cadmus labs w/the cell built from Wayne Enterprises.
According to the new report from the Hollywood Reporter, Leto will not be appearing in Birds of Prey, even in a cameo capacity. This is somewhat surprising as Harley Quinn's storyline involves her going solo after living in Joker's shadow, seemingly breaking off her relationship with the villain, in order to strike out on her own.
But this is probably also for the best from a narrative standpoint, as including Joker in any capacity could either overshadow the film's storyline or even distract from it.
Leto's appearance as Joker in Suicide Squad elicited a mixed response from fans and critics, as he was depicted more as an aloof urban crime lord and less like the character that's been depicted in countless comics, cartoons, and movies over the years. Covered in tattoos and wearing gold teeth, it was very different from what people have come to expect from the character.
After Phoenix's Joker movie was announced, the report from THR states that Leto attempted to stop the film from taking place. But while that film moved forward and the studio has distanced itself from Leto's portrayal of the character more and more, sources indicate that Leto's time is likely over.
No way in hell could someone have so much source material and still manage to fukk up