AB got hit CLEANER by Marcos Maidana than the 2 punches that dropped him....and nothing happened
Bu-bu-but, Timothy Bradley would've dropped Broner though
That's all that needs to be said
Your man got leftby JMM, a blown up lightweight forreal, but you think a much bigger/stronger /harder hiting Maidana couldnt KO him
Manny Pacquiao in 24 rounds against an injured Timothy Bradley, who couldnt move for the majority of those rounds,Pacquiao still couldnt drop him even 1 time even though Bradley is NOWHERE near the puncher Maidana is (so Pacquiao could've went in for the kill).
Taking that into consideration, you want me to believe PACQUIAO would decimate Maidana and KO him in 5 rounds
When's the last time Pacquiao "decimated" somebody....all the way back in 2009 when Jamie Foxx was still trying to "Blame It" on the alcohol?
Am I being punk'd?
Nah, you're not being punkd.. just waking you up from your delusions.
AB was a former WW champ.. got beat once out of only two times at anything above 135, tucked his legs between his legs and ran from the division?? Why?? Because his chin wont make it at 147and hes too small... We have yet to see his chin really tested at 140 either, yet you feel AB chin is better than Pacquiao??

Whatever JMM did to Pacquiao. Maidana didn't do the shyt.. your position is nothing more than a theory.. a weak theory at best..
Maidana loses to JMM and Bradley.. Of course he loses to Pac as well as Devon Alexander and Amir Khan..
If Maidana fights Pac the way he's fought while he's been at WW he gets dropped by Pac in 5 rounds.. Lets say 6 just to be safe

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