Nine times outta ten Manti planned this out, which makes him one of the GOAT scumbags. I hope the Eagles draft him, we need more sleeze swag on the roster.
He says he didn't plan to do it. He was a teenager. Unstrung. Unsupervised. His world was at war. He was scared. Isolated. Except she was there, the two of them best friends, close as book pages. They loved each other, trusted each other. And one day that tipped into something more. Something neither one felt was wrong in the moment. "We were just sitting there, and it was like, 'Do you want to?'" he says. There was no discussion. "We did it. And it was like, 'OK, what's next?' We never talked about it after that."
Both say it happened only once more. The two never kissed. Never shared true intimacy. Just spontaneous, ill-conceived connections. Needs met when few others were.
Put yourself in any NFL owners position. Would you pay millions to a guy that has imaginary friends? I wouldn't.
I see what you did there Yea he would fit into ATL
People are looking at this too deep, I don't think it will affect his career, and once he gets drafted all he has to do is take the jokes in good grace and prove his worth on the field and he will be good.
Im definitely not misquoting them --- the segment has been repeating on ESPN on the hour. Notre Dame held a press conference saying that through a private investigation agency they determined that Te'o was lied to by unidentified parties, and that he was simply the victim of a hoax. Dude who held the conference even started crying at one point, saying "Te'o will never be able to trust anyone again" if you have evidence to the contrary, let me see it.
So lying about having a dying girlfriend to MULTIPLE media outlets is something that people will just forget? This has a chance to end his career before it even gets started.
And to the people saying "well ND conducted an investigation so Teo just was a victim" y'all need to open your eyes. ND has everything to lose with this story b/c it's an integrity issue. Let's see what independent investigators have to say about whether it was a hoax or not...IMO Teo manipulated the public & knowingly lied. Seems OBVIOUS at this point
what "proof" do you need besides the fact that he and his father both said they met her? Why are you telling us what his school said as if that changes the fact?