breh you gotta be realistic.You cannot be manifesting a lambo and expect for it to just randomly pop up.
The reason why there is a time/space buffer between what you think and what you to give you ample time to decide if that's what you really really want.
If that buffer between thought and manifestation were removed and people could just blink lamborgini's into existance, we'd be living in a fukking nightmare.
The universe is chaotic and isn't going to bend to your will. If your perspective is that it will then you'll just fall into a pit of confirmation bias thinking that every little thing is going your way.
Falling into a pit of confirmation bias (deliberatly) is exctly how you master reality creation. Your RAS (reticular activating system) is like your internal algorithm, it's what causes 'confrimation bias' and allows the wise men, yogi, magi to guide (not bend) natural law toward their ends.
When you begin to filter your reality on purpose, the boundaries of your belief expand.
NEO went from going through wondering if doding bullets was possible, to dodgning them and then not even having to go through the motions anymore...the process of spiritual unfoldment is very much like that. You learn, you experiement, you test, push lines and expand in what you think and know to be possible.