Just caught up with Akane-banshi man this series is so well written even 90+ chapters in, its such a treat
The author gave me a big shock with Akane losing the competition to Hikaru. But I realized she simply lost because of the stream vote. Which lets be honest in Rakugo there is no stream usually majority of the time it is just your audience. And considering how she essentially got better scores with the judges whom she needs to go through to move up to Futatsume. So in a way it was recognized she was the best performer that day. But the big lesson is her hitting adversity. There is going to be times when you get screwed over not just in Rakugo, but in life and how you respond to that. How she bounces back thanks to Shiguma's advice is perfect.
Also man Akane needing that promotion to Futatsume. But damn the only way for her move up is from a recommendation from Master Taizen. That's fukked up how because of how petty Zensho is against Shiguma. Tho I love the path this brings Akane. She needs to make a connection with Asago's master Chocho. Akane's father, Taizen and Chocho apparently were close friends. Unfortnately her father couldn't become a Shinuchi unlike the other two. In fact its sad to see Taizen blame himself for her father getting expelled. Given Shiguma's Art that described in chapter 93 could that be partially the reason for Tooru getting expelled.
The next aim for Akane is to get Taizen's recommendation and the best way for that is during Asago's Futatsume debut. I love that Akane continues to be on the grind and contining to improve. Now she is learning under Chocho. But his lesson like it was from Urara will have to force to evolve and take the stage in order to absorb this lesson. Chocho's statement of you have too is very likely similiar to a student that is an overachiever. You have great preparation skills like she does, in terms of skills and knowledge she can use effectively its limited. A case where specialization could be the key for her.
Akane has really shown and been a terrific protagonist in such a well written series. Where the characters and their motivations such feel so real.
Tarou Sakamoto was considered the greatest hitman of all time. Feared by many, he stood at the top of the underground world until he met and fell in love with a woman. As a result, Sakamoto abandoned his life of crime and now works as a convenience store clerk. Leaving his shady past behind...
Finally got started on reading Sakomoto Days. I really like what I am getting here. Story is simple a man retired being assassin after falling in love and wanting to protect the peaceful life with his family. But man I can already say why people rave about the fighting choreography its presented so clean and well.
The cast is great, they have tons of character so far and works well together. Sakomoto is quiet, but he will be if you push his buttons. Shin is a hard worker and really has great chemistry with everyone in the staff. Lu was a fun addition after her arc and her more "I will do things on my pace" works well with Shin. Taro and Aoi's backstory was very heartwarming and made it easy to invested to understanding why he made the choice that he did. Aoi's confidence in her is actual pretty impressive and shows her mental fortitude. With the bounty on Sakomto's head it does give intrigue to the dangers he will face.
Man that was a slick thinking have Shin read Taro's thoughts while he was blind. Boiled is an old acquaintance giving Mr. Sakomto more work then he was expecting. When the weight comes on Boiled stood no chance. Honestly she might have been drunk, but it was great moment for Lu. She has really bonded with Shin and the Sakomto's her having Aoi compliment her work meant a lot to her. Overall fun arc, but no surprise Aoi found out about the bounty.
For Mr. Sakomoto hes gonna have to take out that bounty at the source and meeting Nagumo at DonDenkai. Well issue here is that any source of information for them is dead. Along with the bounty on Mr. Sakomto's head, you also got someone gonna after a serious amount of assassins. Curious how these two issues collide, which I imagine is the case. But the reality for Mr. Sakomto is that he needs to get back more in the groove, since like Nagumo mentions facaing someone tougher then Boiled, well he might have not been able to get that comeback.
There also a bigger elaboration of the order, which keeps a handle of the assassin world and makes sure no noticeable problems arise. How much they get involved and what targets are the main things I am curious about. Nagumo being one really highlights the point that while he has been mostly a jokester he is most likely a fukking scary assassin.
Fun one chapter arc at the end of the volume really showcases Taro's love for his daughter Hana. And Aoi being surprised of him crying at Hana's birthday is really noteworthy. Of course its funny how overprotective Taro is of Hana.
You know given the bounty it's no wonder a shock the shop is a mess. No wonder they need money to fix up the place. We are also introduced to Heisuke who is an assassin that specializes as a sniper. But we are quickly shown he is a fukking idiot . Shin and Mr. Sakomoto end up teaming up in the airsoft tournament out of all things. Thanks to Lu being drunk while cheerleading she told Heisuke that he really is "THE" Taro Sakomoto. Heisuke truly shows off his skills as a sniper as someone who wanted to prove his doubters wrong. While he didn't achieve that Taro praising his sniping skills is proably more then he can ask for. Tho I do like they don't hire him so its something we don't assume will always happen plus hes an idiot.
Rest of this volume was more so focused on Shin on the fact that he is a clairvoyant. Of course with the 3 Sakomoto's at Hana's school, Lu and Shin end up getting an argument that gets Shin walking out. Of course Lu wearing Shin's apron gets her arrested but people from the lab where Shin got his powers. I love how all the name tags have a GPS tagged on them. Mr. Sakomto aint taking any chances
They end up catching up to the car that has Lu, but one of the members named Seba is able to get Shin and Mr. Sakomto to lose his trail. Tho admittly he would have died against Mr. Sakomoto if he wasn't on a motorcycle. They end up reaching the lab which requires Shin to go back to familiar territory. We see some signs which Lu sees where the person behind this was the one responsible for killing the various assassins. That is confirmed that the former boss is also locked up for not complying. Him and Shin's backstory is actually pretty sweet. Overall he was basically like a father for Shin. It was an accident that Shin became a clairvoyant. He's happy he got Asakura to be successful for his research, but I love that he cared more for Shin then that. Since being able to read minds can be such an awkward thing to in society. Lu and Asakura were able to break out to hope to meet with Mr. Sakomoto and Shin.
To rescue Lu Shin and Mr. Sakomoto had to infiltrate the museum to get to the lab part of it. Love how fighting a mechanical design bear and dinosaur was no problem for Mr. Sakomoto. The leader's name is Kashimo. And I am curious if this is the guy the order really is after. Given that there is two of them outside of the museum my hunch says yes. When they met the researchers they don't want Shin and Mr. Sakomoto to get hurt when ironically they stand the best chance with these two defending them. They fight against a foe they can give a shot with some weird reaction. But I love how once again they utilized Shin's ability to mind read and even through all the disadvantages, they were able to beat one of Kashimo's main underlings. Now this arc is over. So I do wonder if Mr. Sakomoto will be able to prioritize meeting up with Lui. But also if he meets up with the order and/or Kashimo would is his play.
Gotta love the minute Mr. Sakomoto mentions play dead if you run across the order he comes across then and just be like "Whats up?". . Gotta love the team work between Shin and Heisuke when they faced against Seba. Shin really got lucky Heisuke was around. But I love that he wants to live up to be the sniper that Mr. Sakomoto praised him as. But before he tapped out of the fight that move to hit the sprinklers was big brain .In a 1:1 fight Shin had it in the bag. Shin's reaction to reading Heisuke's mind was just . Kashima is the type of villain who didn't realize that bad actions aren't justified if you perform then to kill bad people. Clearly his boss manipulated his feelings to get him to be his pawn.
But simply put there was no way Sakomoto was gonna lose to an assassin that relied on tools. While Sakomoto relied whatever he had on hand and still made it work. Sakomoto only carries about one thing and that's protecting his family. And that includes Shin and Lu.
Big moment for Shin to showcase that he is proud of his powers. If he has it you might as well make the best out of it. Seeing Lu and Shin getting back together after their fight was great as well. Tho Slur seems to be the boss and is it likely that Slur was where Shin saw him before he left. Slur is the main target of the order and has some tie in to the bounty on Mr. Sakomoto's head.
The 2 side chapters were nice. Mr. Sakomoto providing real life advice that we need our days off. Unfortunately this time it didn't help Shin. The boat date between Taro and Aoi was sweet and very hectic. You could tell how much Taro loves Aoi through all he did to prepare and why he works so hard to protect his wife and daughter. But Aoi truly loves him back. Even all the stuff that comes with Taro it makes their relationship even more special to her.
Volume ends where it seems Lu is being requested to return home to lead the Traid. Obviously even with the offering of information on the bounty Mr. Sakomoto stays true to himself he wouldn't put his family at risk which includes Lu. But I love that Lu is fine for them including her as the reward if it means they can get more information on that bounty. After all both Taro and Shin saved her life and she is forever in their debt. Although the contest is one where they might finally be at a disadvantage.
The fukkery during the gambling competition was fun. Wutang gets jumped by the rest of his gang after a tie occurs. And its cool for him to put his trust in Sakomoto at that moment and he gives it right back to Wutang. In the same way Taro wants to protect his wife and daughter, same applies to Wutang with Lu.
While the hints from the story kind of seemed like the connection between Slur and the bounty on Mr. Sakomoto's head was connected, Wutang confirms it. What is more concerning is the 4 death row escapies that is working with Slur. And these are dangers criminals to say the least. Say have their mental insanities where for most people that you don't want to mess with. But Mr. Sakomoto's point of how dangerous they are is point given not to mention since Slur is connected to the bounty on his head. Nagumo does raise a goo point that Sakomoto's skills aren't what they are at his peak, which isn't a surprise. So if he is really serious about getting information, he needs to get his focus back at a higher level.
Saw ends up jumping both Lu and Shin. And honestly you can really feel the level the difference as they really struggle as Saw is playing with them. But that tendency of Saw in playing with them is his main weakness. At the point of giving up realizing that they wouldn't go after Taro, but his daughter and wife next. We see a flashback of Wutang telling Shin he can use his clairvoyance powers to new heights. Essentially with a similar idea how he reads minds he can read what a person's brain is making as a decision to him. It actually makes sense given he already reads minds. But no surprise that it exhausted him quickly.
Next we got Lu who I can't tell if being drunk is her gag power up . But yea she kicks Saw's ass and gets him to admit defeat, but both pass out before they can get information. And because of that Saw falls into a trap with on of the order and it is curtains for him
We have been told how strong the order is, but in the Dump vs Osagari fight. Her reaction skills are kind of insane when you think about it. Osagari literally had her in the palm of her hands. When Taro mentions you were better playing dead against them he was kidding . Now that 2/4 of the death row members are dead, its going to be harder to extract information of the bounty for Mr. Sakomto's sake.
Kind of nice to see the brief mention that in the empire in places where military might is important they need to act like a noble. Also Frieren's flashback with Flamme was nice as it shows how much Flamme has accomplished with the study of magic. And these theories will be build upon by others. In a way these theories being built upon means that they never reach a dead end. Even with her life so much shorter as Frieren. Flamme's efforts will go on forever.
Also no surprise the spell Frieren got is another useless one in terms of being practical
Dandadan Chapter 137
These two fukking idiots
Kind of clear that dude is the one that set Zuma on, but the question is why tho?
Goddess Cafe Terrace Chapter 136
His grandmother literally created an arranged marriage before he was even born . It does seem kind of obvious that the recipe is the one that Ouka made at the beginning of the series.
Mayonka Heart Tune Chapter 15
Not unexpected for the focus of the series being the girl's professions. So hopefully the series has legs.
With Shin's new ability he can use it at max 5 mins per day. I actually like that he has to earn to use this ability and that is just given to him. Deadass he has this serious recovery routine and Lu just has to get the alcohol out of her system.
So nice touch at the beginning with Nagumo disguised as Aoi. His fight went pretty much as expected. He toyed with Minimalist. Dude was like which way do you want to die today . It is perfect for his personality and makes you realized him being ranked S is no joke.
Granny brought an extra point that the whole "losing weight" thing with Taro hasn't caused his assassin skills to diminish. He isn't gonna get back into shape in terms of skills if he relies losing weight and using a "form" that he used in the past. This makes things interesting if he can get used to with his bigger body perhaps in terms in the long run he doesn't need to make things an endurance battle. And can start the fights with a bang.
It's kind of ironic with Apart's backstory that Taro wanted to skip that shyt and didn't care . He was the one death row member that seemed not completely mentally deranged. Dude basically thought there was something wrong with him since people didn't get along with him. Tbh as soon as father looked like him like those bullies in school it was a wrap. Kind of sad that he is a death row member and he simply was prejudiced against kids growing up. Dude would have had a normal life not for that . Good thing Taro was the one he fought.
So things are starting to be more clear. Like Taro, Slur whose old name used to be Uzuki was a part of the order. I am assuming he thought it was corrupt and wants to change that. So I am assuming he created that bounty on Taro's head so he couldn't get involved, but he still ended up getting involved. Curious what this takes us next. Curious what was it that made Slur want to leave the Order and even now change it.
Living in the slums of a wealthy town, Rudo and his foster father Regto try to coexist with the rest of the town's residents, but Rudo despises the wastefulness of the upper class. Ignoring the warnings from those around him, Rudo regularly rummages through the town's garbage in search of...
Read through the first volume. Solid first volume. I kind of like the idea of trash being useful by taking care of it and imbuding it a soul. Worldbuilding has potential. Dialogue feels off, but again it could just be the Mc whose has been basically an edgy angry midget .
Curious what the direction of this series will be once I read more chapters. I can't see this being a revenge story, but creating a change like Regto says to him before he dies could be hard to picture. I like how both the people on the ground and in the sphere are both shyt people.
Could be a decent series, but could be something that can become a lil too edgy.
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