Did anything ever come from that Sample they took from Superman? Or was it a setup for something in the future. It was like they got his blood/dna and then made no mention of it again. Maybe i missed it.
Maybe that's how they make Doomsday

Did anything ever come from that Sample they took from Superman? Or was it a setup for something in the future. It was like they got his blood/dna and then made no mention of it again. Maybe i missed it.
Oh shyt forgot about thatDid anything ever come from that Sample they took from Superman? Or was it a setup for something in the future. It was like they got his blood/dna and then made no mention of it again. Maybe i missed it.
I wonder who's gonna play
This is what I thought. Snyder did good with the story he was given. It was mostly pretty damn good with one exception
The only parts I thought was forced was the Lois Lane angle. Her inclusion in the entire Supes secret identity was ridiculously forced to me. You mean to tell me Lois tracked down his Clark Kent identity, but the government couldn't?If they left that bullshyt portion of the story out OR added in parts where the entire city of Smallville made a pact to keep Supes identity a secret and the ihop cat wanted Clark to get credit or something.....A policeman drove her to Supes home while she was screaming CLARK at the man. You mean to tell me he didn't know either? I wish it was a thing that the city wanted secret. That would've been more realistic and fit with Supes story
I most definitely feel what you saying and wish it would of played out that way. I thought it was kind of suspect how Lois followed him to into ship without him Clark not hearing her far away. I heard Snyder's original cut was 3 hours 1/2 long but he decided to trim the movie down. Maybe they will release the full cut and those similar elements are in there like you described.
Remember when Clark was exploring that abandon ship in the ice, and he saw those skeletons in space suits and an empty sleep pod? That was supergirl's empty pod, meaning she's somewhere on earth
They gave the ship's backstory in the comic they dropped for the movie
This is what I thought. Snyder did good with the story he was given. It was mostly pretty damn good with one exception
The only parts I thought was forced was the Lois Lane angle. Her inclusion in the entire Supes secret identity was ridiculously forced to me. You mean to tell me Lois tracked down his Clark Kent identity, but the government couldn't?If they left that bullshyt portion of the story out OR added in parts where the entire city of Smallville made a pact to keep Supes identity a secret and the ihop cat wanted Clark to get credit or something.....A policeman drove her to Supes home while she was screaming CLARK at the man. You mean to tell me he didn't know either? I wish it was a thing that the city wanted secret. That would've been more realistic and fit with Supes story
Did anything ever come from that Sample they took from Superman? Or was it a setup for something in the future. It was like they got his blood/dna and then made no mention of it again. Maybe i missed it.
lois lane is a pulizter prize winner INVESTIGATIVE reporter. not only that she was the only one that SEEN clark and the anomaly whereas the military just seen the SPACESHIP itself and didn't know who or whut was flying it. so they had nothing to go on from the beginning. the only reason why went at lois is because of the ONLINE blog she leaked out, and this was AFTER she figured out about clark.
also, the entire town of SMALLVILLE knew, and always SENSED it since clark was a kid. so a LOCAL cop car taking her to clark's coming is nothing unusual being that everyone knew everyone and it was moments AFTER seeing clark fight off ZOD's crew.
I most definitely feel what you saying and wish it would of played out that way. I thought it was kind of suspect how Lois followed him to into ship without him Clark not hearing her far away. I heard Snyder's original cut was 3 hours 1/2 long but he decided to trim the movie down. Maybe they will release the full cut and those similar elements are in there like you described.
this movie was not good. shyt was fukking boring
all you had to do to kill zod was put him in a sleeper hold?
only dope part was when superman was fighting the girl and the tall dude