Man kills bride 6 days after marriage, travels the world w/ her money


The official Chaplain of the Coli
May 18, 2012

Smiling for the camera, they appear like any other happy newlyweds, ready to embark on their life together.

But a week after this picture was taken, Jamie Starbuck had killed and dismembered wife Debbie, ready to embark on a £65,000 round-the-world trip paid for with her inheritance.

Starbuck – who brazenly charted his globetrotting adventures in a blog entitled Diary of a Misanthrope – was yesterday starting a life sentence after admitting the murder of his 44-year-old wife.

Mrs Starbuck was last seen alive six days after their wedding in April 2010. Her body has never been found and it is believed that Starbuck killed his wife then dismembered her body before burning it at their home.

Judge Michael Stokes QC said it was ‘one of the most horrific’ murder cases he had dealt with and ordered Starbuck to serve at least 30 years before being considered for parole. Divorcee Starbuck married Debbie Cooper within nine months of meeting her on the internet. They lived in a rented house in Old Basford, Nottingham.

The self-employed proof-reader, who had no children, had inherited £150,000 a few years before she met Starbuck.

Murderer Jamie Starbuck visited a total of 32 countries during his 31 month tour including:

Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Turkey, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Columbia, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, Mexico, America, Canada, and finally Peru.

Concerns about Mrs Starbuck’s whereabouts were not raised until two years after the wedding when one of her friends contacted police to say that he had not heard from her.

Officers discovered her passport had expired and that money had been transferred from Mrs Starbuck’s account to her husband’s.

He knew her passwords after setting up an online account for her.

Detectives were able to prove that her husband spent almost £65,000 of his dead wife’s money to fund his travels abroad.

Starbuck, a one-time amateur photographer and cleaner, was arrested at Heathrow Airport in January as he stepped off a flight from Brazil.

He was found to have two of Debbie’s bank cards in his wallet. An examination of his laptop revealed a ‘confession’, in which he admitted Debbie’s murder. It read: ‘I had planned for it to be quick … I never expected you to be so durable.’

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