Anybody seen how much it cost to bury somebody lately. It's beginning to sound criminal. Then when you think about the fact that when you visit somebody's grave, you're more closer to that grave then they are. And since we don't really live in a war country, we don't realize that once your country falls to another country, the new occupiers are going to dig up your remains, and put them in a mass grave, and cremate them, or whatever, or build right over top the cemetery. Some of you may be living over top an old cemetery now. Can you imagine paying $15,000 or more for a decent burial, and the cemetery wound up being bombed and destroyed, not to mention nobody's going to visit you anymore a lot sooner than you think. And most people aren't gonna know we were even here in a few hundred years, even if you was a celebrity.
But it's easier said than done, understanding all I said above. But you have no choice but to wake up, and wonder if it's all worth it, once you see those rising cost. Somebody is getting richer and richer off of people dying.