Some of you nikkas are truly lost, and I really mean no malice when I say that. I'm really appalled at the assertion that black people wearing suits are for the purpose of white acceptance

I guarantee you that 99% of black people who frequently wear dressier attire are not doing with the goal to appease white folks. A nice suit or slacks and dress shirt commands respect from EVERY group of people. People will treat you different and with more respect when dressed nicely. This goes for black and white people.
With that said, I think people should wear what makes them comfortable and makes them feel good. Personally, I am always "dressed up" Part f that is because of my profession and the other part of it is because that's how I like to look. I am used to the respect that I get from being dressed professionally. I've had countless opportunities open up for me strictly on how I was dressed. Perception is a mothafukka. Dressing a certain way attracts a different class of woman as well. The positives are really limitless.
I was at the store the other day and two older black ladies stopped me and complimented me on how I was dressed. They were like, "sorry for bothering you, but we just wanted to tell you that you look nice"

Man that shyt made a brother feel so good. I don't thin dressing up is necessary for the black community because I'm a firm believer of wearing what you want to wear. But to make the claim that it's some "white shyt" or that brothers do it for the white man is extremely ignorant.