Malcom X on Wiggers


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Even Gandhi said some slick ish about us.

Eminem saying ****** on his early mixtapes (not nikka, ******)

Mark Wahlberg making racist taunts at kids and calling 3 Stacks and Tyrese nikka on camera

All your mobster heroes: Al Pacino, James Gandolfini, Chazz Palmintieri, Christopher Walker disparaging blacks

Bill Clinton signing the 3 strikes law

.....Breh, all our white "heroes" have let us down at one point or another. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a clip of Mother Teresa somewhere saying "f*cking n*gger babies" or some sh*t like that. Malcolm just letting us know what it is, don't invest your confidence in a white person trying to act black/be part of the community, they're sure to let you down. Have more confidence in a white person who recognizes they're white and you're black, and as much as they would really like to share your experience and vice versa, reality won't allow it.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
MALCOLM X: Whites who are sincere don't accomplish anything by joining Negro organizations and making them integrated. Whites who are sincere should organize among themselves and figure out some strategy to break down the prejudice that exists in white communities. This is where they can function more intelligently and more effectively, in the white community itself, and this has never been done.

Damn this knocked me back in my seat :whew::whew::whew::whew::whew:

and it never will be done. The reason is they come to us thinking we have the answer to 'their problem'. And it truly is their problem...we just have to live with it. Until they see the problem through will never be fixed. This is why they are blind to the things they have done because they don't see it as a problem.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
and it never will be done. The reason is they come to us thinking we have the answer to 'their problem'. And it truly is their problem...we just have to live with it. Until they see the problem through will never be fixed. This is why they are blind to the things they have done because they don't see it as a problem.
:whew: That sh*t is still rollin around in my head.


Jun 29, 2012
Live your own life
How do yall feel about any white individuals got killed for the cause (civil rights.)

In Malcolm's words
I can't help but wonder if he would say what many blacks would necessarily want to hear though. I just wrapped up Manning Marable's book on Malcolm, and to say that the man's life was in flux would be an understatement. The direction his life was taking was becoming ever so inclusive and he had gravitated towards a focused determination on Pan-Africanism. I think it would be presumptious to assume that had his life not been cut short he'd still be fiery in the sense that many of today's pseudo-militant minded generation appreciate him for. People tend to remember Malcolm's more divisive side neglecting the burgeouning inclusiveness he was beginning to embrace. He was even ok with interracial marriages towards the end of his life which surprised me. I wonder if he ever apologized to James Farmer for the remarks he made alluding to Farmer's white wife during a debate?

He did generally apologize for his divisive rhetoric which he blamed on his zeal as tool of the NOI when relaying an experience he had in turning away a young white woman that wanted to be part of the cause. He actually regreted turning her away. The man was even testifying against the NOI on behalf of the goverment to prevent the Muhammad's organization from making successful outreaches to inmates in prison. I bring that up because here on this board, Farrakhan is brought up as a stand up guy, and at the same time Malcolm is viewed as much in the same. However, had Malcolm remained alive, it's likely he would have become the antithesis of Farrakhan, and I wonder which individual would be more embraced on this forum? IF Malcolm were an 88 year old man today, it's not a stretch to say he'd be saying some things that many young blacks would not want to hear.

Your post went under the radar. But I see it and agreed with your sentiment. I believe Malcolm would have grown to completely accept integration and interracial relations; however, he would put more emphasis on black independence without the dependency on the white man to assist us on building our own economical and educational system. Malcolm would still be pro black for he would seek solution to fix our broken community, placing his people first as his main priority.


Jun 4, 2012
As a young minister I wouldn’t have considered it possible for me to love any woman. I had too much experience that women were only tricky, deceitful, untrustworthy flesh. I had seen too many men ruined or tied down, or in some other way messed up by women. Women talk too much, and to tell a woman not to talk too much, would be like telling Jesse James not to carry a gun, or telling a hen not to cackle. Can you imagine Jesse James without a gun, or a hen that didn’t cackle, and for anyone in leadership or position as I am. The worst thing in the world that a man could have, is the wrong woman. Samson was destroyed by the woman that slept in his arms. It had been 10 years since I thought anything about a woman or a mistress, and as a minister now I was thinking even less about getting a wife------"

MALCOLM X (from the Autobiography of Malcolm X)

"In my years as a Muslim minister, I had always taught so strongly on moral issues. That many Muslim sisters accused me of being anti-woman. I had not even touched a woman for 12 years------"

MALCOLM X (from the Autobiography of Malcolm X)

"I love Sister Betty, she’s the only woman that I ever thought about loving. She’s one of the very few women that I have ever trusted. She’s a good Muslim woman and wife. With me trying to wake up this brainwashed black man, and telling this arrogant white man the truth. Betty knows this is a full time job. I am only home 2 or 3 days a week, but if I have to do work while I’m home she allows me to have that quiet time that I need to work in---"

MALCOLM X ( from the Autobiography of Malcolm X)

"While in Beirut I went walking, and I could clearly see the European influence upon their women. It showed me how any country’s moral strength, or it’s moral weakness is quickly measurable by the street attire and attitude of it’s women, especially it’s young women-----"


"Look at the women in America , young and old. Hardly any moral values are left in them. You can measure this by their dress and attire. Their spiritual values are almost destroyed, because of their emphasis on material things---"

MALCOLM X (from the Autobiography of Malcolm X)

"Our young girls, our daughters, and our baby sisters are becoming unwed mothers before they are hardly out of their teens. Our community has 1000’s of unwed mothers, that has no hope of ever getting a husband. Our community has 10’s of 1000’s of little black babies who have no father to act as their provider---"

MALCOLM X (speaking at the University of California , 1963)

The TRL threads Malcolm what have created,:wow: lol.

About his points... I agree w the European influence part.

Also, not all good woman are Muslim.... but at the point I am in my life, I would never even think to talk to the real black muslim women, n chicks I know.... they are 100% down and righteous... so i wouldn't even deserve a Betty right now.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The TRL threads Malcolm what have created,:wow: lol.

About his points... I agree w the European influence part.

Also, not all good woman are Muslim.... but at the point I am in my life, I would never even think to talk to the real black muslim women, n chicks I know.... they are 100% down and righteous... so i wouldn't even deserve a Betty right now.

the amazing thing dude said these things like 50/60 years ago and they still hold up today

Our community has 1000’s of unwed mothers, that has no hope of ever getting a husband.


Aug 12, 2012
the amazing thing dude said these things like 50/60 years ago and they still hold up today

Our community has 1000’s of unwed mothers, that has no hope of ever getting a husband.

I'm basically done with the book now...I'm just reading alex haley's epilogue now...and ossie davis comments in the coming I said I was reading this very fast because the book was just so interesting and held your attention every sec...

I usually agree with u on here....but in terms of the religious aspect(I know ur religious)....that is one of the only things I disagree with malcolm on....I mean as expected all his comments were right about Christianity but I think the biggest of ironies is that "Islam" also has the same naive belief in a God...only difference is that this GOd does not have a face or a white man blue eyes image....

But basically I have this kind of chauvinist mindset that religions like this(Islam) are primarily good for women...and I'm not trying to be condescending with that...

And when I criticize his feelings on Islam I am referring both Pre Mecca trip and Post Mecca Trip...

On a side note.....if we ever do again get a national Black leader who speaks what he speak...I think at some point we can finally expect a leader who embraces no premitive religions that set us back ...again that is no disrespect to malcolm because its all I disagree with him on....just think its useful for these women who are getting out of control


over 14 years in the shade...
Apr 30, 2012
cacs always reveal themselves man, dont trust any of them. Seriously man I cant trust any of them after what I seen. :laff:

this white bytch said brother malcolm

Can i post your bedsore ass smilie again?


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
“I sure don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings, but in fact I’ll even go so far as to say that I never really trust the kind of white people who are always so anxious to hang around Negroes, or to hang around in Negro communities. I don’t trust the kind of whites who love having Negroes always hanging around them. I don’t know—this feeling may be a throwback to the years when I was hustling in Harlem and all of those red-faced, drunk whites in the after hours clubs were always grabbing hold of some Negroes and talking about ‘I just want you to know you’re just as good as I am—.’ And then they got back in their taxicabs and black limousines and went back downtown to the places where they lived and worked where no blacks except servants had better get caught. But, anyway, I know that every time that whites join a black organization, you watch, pretty soon the blacks will be leaning to the whites to support it, and before you know it a black may be up front with a title, but the whites, because of their money, are the real controllers.


Its amazing how on point this is 50 years later...


Behind Enemy Lines
Dec 26, 2012
DSGB(Down South Georgia Boy)
IDK if this is what you're referring to.. but

“I knew, better than most Negroes, how many white people truly wanted to see American racial problems solved. I knew that many whites were as frustrated as Negroes. I’ll bet I got fifty letters some days from white people. The white people in meeting audiences would throng around me, asking me, after I had addressed them somewhere, ‘What can a sincere white person do?’

“When I say that here now, it makes me think about that little co-ed I told you about, the one who flew from her New England college down to New York and came up to me in the Nation of Islam’s restaurant in Harlem, and I told her that there was “nothing” she could do. I regret that I told her that. I wish that now I knew her name, or where I could telephone her, or write to her, and tell her what I tell white people now when they present themselves as being sincere, and ask me, one way or another, the same thing that she asked. The first thing I tell them is that at least where my own particular Black Nationalist organization, the Organization of Afro-American Unity, is concerned, they can’t join us. I have these very deep feelings that white people who want to join black organizations are really just taking the escapist way to salve their consciences. By visibly hovering near us, they are "proving" that they are "with us." But the hard truth is this isn't helping to solve America's racist problem. The Negroes aren't the racists. Where the really sincere white people have got to do their "proving" of themselves is not among the black victims, but out on the battle lines of where America's racism really is—and that's in their own home communities; America's racism is among their own fellow whites. That's where sincere whites who really mean to accomplish something have got to work.
“Aside from that, I mean nothing against any sincere whites when I say that as members of black organizations, generally whites’ very presence subtly renders the black organization automatically less effective. Even the best white members will slow down the Negroes’ discovery of what they need to do, and particularly of what they can do—for themselves, working by themselves, among their own kind, in their own communities.
“I sure don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings, but in fact I’ll even go so far as to say that I never really trust the kind of white people who are always so anxious to hang around Negroes, or to hang around in Negro communities. I don’t trust the kind of whites who love having Negroes always hanging around them. I don’t know—this feeling may be a throwback to the years when I was hustling in Harlem and all of those red-faced, drunk whites in the after hours clubs were always grabbing hold of some Negroes and talking about ‘I just want you to know you’re just as good as I am—.’ And then they got back in their taxicabs and black limousines and went back downtown to the places where they lived and worked where no blacks except servants had better get caught. But, anyway, I know that every time that whites join a black organization, you watch, pretty soon the blacks will be leaning to the whites to support it, and before you know it a black may be up front with a title, but the whites, because of their money, are the real controllers.
“I tell sincere white people, 'Work in conjunction with us—each of us working among our own kind.' Let sincere white individuals find all other white people they can who feel as they do—and let them form their own all-white groups, to work trying to convert other white people who are thinking and acting so racist. Let sincere whites go and teach non-violence to white people! We will completely respect our white co-workers. They will deserve every credit. We will give them every credit. We will meanwhile be working among our own kind, in our own black communities— showing and teaching black men in ways that only other black men can—that the black man has got to help himself. Working separately, the sincere white people and sincere black people actually will be working together.

In our mutual sincerity we might be able to show a road to the salvation of America’s very soul. It can only be salvaged if human rights and dignity, in full, are extended to black men. Only such real, meaningful actions as those which are sincerely motivated from a deep sense of humanism and moral responsibility can get at the basic causes that produce the racial explosions in America today. Otherwise, the racial explosions are only going to grow worse. Certainly nothing is ever going to be solved by throwing upon me and other so-called black ‘extremists’ and ‘demagogues’ the blame for the racism that is in America.”

A few of the white men around Harlem, younger ones whom we called "hippies," acted more Negro than Negroes. This particular one talked more "hip" talk than we did. He would have fought anyone who suggested he felt any race difference. Musicians around the Braddock could hardly move without falling over him. Every time I saw him, it was "Daddy! Come on, let's get our heads tight!" Sammy couldn't stand him; he was under-foot wherever you went. He even wore a wild zoot suit, used a heavy grease in his hair to make it look like a conk, and he wore the knob-toed shoes, the long, swinging chain -- everything. And he not only wouldn't be seen with any woman but a black one, but in fact he lived with two of them in the same little apartment. I never was sure how they worked that one out, but I had my idea.

About three or four o'clock one morning, we ran into this white boy, in Creole Bill's speakeasy. He was high -- in that marijuana glow where the world relaxes. I introduced Sophia; I went away to say hello to someone else. When I returned, Sophia looked peculiar -- but she wouldn't tell me until we left. He had asked her, "Why is a white girl like you throwing yourself away with a spade?"

--Autobiography of Malcolm X

This it?
:wow:He spit da TROOF

Oh and :mjpls:@ these wigger muthafukkas. I hate em all. Lol @ the black Eminem fans on here. fukking c00ns