I know this isn't gambling related, but fukk it.
I've never really had a vacation in my life. Grew up with divorced parents and shyt. Hell, it was the first time I ever left the central/eastern time zone. But I always loved Japanese stuff since I was a kid so shyt was everything I hoped for and more. I cook for a living and (big surprise) I love Japanese food, so being able to try all this authentic ass stuff (especially since eating over there can be super cheap) was great. Plus the people over there are SO different from Americans. Even during rush hour, when people are jammed as fukk on the trains it's like dead silent. No one acts up. People super follow the rules. Like no one crosses the street on a red, smoking is generally marked as illegal in public and the only time I ever saw people doing it is like late at night leaving bars and shyt. Plus the people are generally nice. I def got some shyt service at places because I'm not Japanese, but I know some base level Japanese from studying in my free time and people were generally very receptive when you try and communicate in their language. On the other hand, I had just as much success just pointing at shyt on menus.
But yeah, I dunno what it's like in Toronto, but I'm sure it's like most big cities. Japan is refreshing change of scenery to me, despite the fact that you're still surrounded by millions of people.