The thing that's easy to miss when it comes to Wolverine is that his powers and competence levels were hella downplayed back when all of the OG writers and artists were doing the major stories back in the day.
His short fuse got his teammates in trouble just as often as it helped them, and he took hours or even days to heal if he got messed up badly enough. I remember one poster describing him as "a street level character with cosmic level charisma". And he was one of the GOAT trash talkers even though he got murked out with the quickness when he stepped over his bounds.
What happened was his stans that grew up on the OG stories got old enough to work at Marvel later, and they were the ones who turned him into Piccolo. Having him regenerate from atoms, being super invincible, always getting the girl in the end, and all that kind of stuff. Overexposing and demystifying the character by trying too hard make him the main focus and the leader when he was always more like the Raphael of the whole thing.
It would be like if some Coli Vegeta stan got the chance to work on the actual series. You know they're going to hype their boy up ten times as much as usual.