tupac level is a way of life. those fake kliq jersey ballers @
Kind Gentleman and @
krackdagawd want to be me but they cant. thats why they talk about me at 3 am. your one of them so kiss the ring.
i discovered tupac level while meditating and getting in sync with my inner magneto. I tried to lift a city with my thoughts but im not at that level yet. I decided to go wash the white hummer off and pumped gas for some girl at the gas station. it was the closest I ever gots to a girl so i got in my car and started speeding while listening to tupac. it was then that i coined the term tupac level. fake gimmicks and rebels cant see me. my friends with businesses keep me connected, i can touch all of you. my reach is south american cartel level. i can call brazillian janet tonight for inside scoops in the business
she has a passion for the business