A lot of bothsiders on TLR are legit

when they call Trump the bastion of masculinity.
Their shower shark androgynous pagan bathhouse greco roman protestant lifestyle.
Never be caught in a room alone.
with these people as a black man black woman and black child.
They will try to molest and rape you. At any age. You are not safe.
They know how to.
Plus how to get away with it.
As it is obvious.
they pass down their style of buck breaking slash kuklos enabled lifestyle to one another. Also peep their main collaborator. The udc devil in the backseat of this vid too.
None of this shyt is a coincidence.
Stop thinking you safe black man.
They brought us over here in stock and bond. Raping and molesting us in systemic Dutch like fashion.
Stop thinking.. they never touched your ancestors. They raped all of our ancestors. BlackMan, blackwoman and black child.
Plus created an androgynous pagan prison system. To keep their audi home behavior going uninterrupted.
Art Barr