Here's a rant that has been shared by numerous MAGA's over the last few days:
For those of you who may have posted an image something similar to this within the last 4 years because you didn’t like the way the bad orange man acted and you didn’t like his mean tweets, you are now equally responsible for this horrific debacle. Civilians, left to be murdered, technology being sold to our enemies, and used against civilians currently and inevitably against us in the future, and service dogs left in cages for some unknown fate..... that is what you voted for. You don’t hand a list of our people over to terrorists. You just sealed their fate. You don’t allow the Taliban to close the airport early. This, my dear people, is the undoing of our once great nation!! We have ZERO foreign policy, we have no backbone, and our enemies know it. Our leader, under normal circumstances, would be in a nursing home if he were anyone else. Watching him attempt to engage with people or read a speech is literally painful. He freely admits (because he doesn’t know not to in his state) that he does what he’s told to do. We should be worried about who is giving instructions. This is not the same result we would have had if 45 were still running this country. I’ll take an obnoxious, a$$hole New Yorker who is imperfect, but loves America, anytime over this pitiful, and I do mean pitiful excuse for a leader. He’s not going to remember all of this very soon, so he gets a free pass. But gold star families will always remember! Families of those left behind will remember. Handlers of their beloved dogs (those dogs really help with their mental health as a bonus, if you aren’t aware) will remember. And you, the rest of the American people, who voted for this effing insanity, BETTER remember.
**copied from an America loving friend**
And I might add, google treason. Google murder. The old man you voted in office, sold these souls to the devil here on earth and not one of you are upset about it. You continue to blame Trump. YOU are the reason WE THE PEOPLE ARE SCREWED and your CHILDREN for generations to come.
Now, look at this, 8 months in and all of us AMERICAN, freedom loving people aren’t so delusional and crazy. WE TOLD YOU SO!!!!"

although that pic of Joe looking at his watch as the 13 armed forces members returned home is hard to defend.