You heard it here first. Action movie of the year. Loved "Furious 7" but this made it look like a Disney cartoon. Outshinned "Avengers 2" also. INSTANT A GRADE. This movie BLEW ME AWAY. For a sequel 30 years in the making it was beyond my expectations. The last Mad Max came out when I was five years old. I've never seen a Mad Max on the Big Screen even though I've watched them on VHS my whole life. Mel will always be Max but my boy Tom Hardy did the role Justice, he had that cold attitude and look, I believe him as Max.
but Charlize stole the movie. The trailers did not show the full fukkery that occurred. The Chases were just unreal, the action was crazy. The Violence was off the chain. If you a Mad Max fan this is like the originals on CRACK, ACID, SHROOMS. If you have slept on Mad Max, after this movie you will be poppin in the trilogy. SALUTE GEORGE MILLER. Also kids stay home, this is a HARD RATED R movie. This isn't no PG13 fake don't see no blood sh!t. This movie is for REAL MEN ONLY. Like I literally got transported back to the 80's with this.