Do the lifting(light) first. Two reasons for that. First and most importantly it will quickly burn up the available carbs in the body. Once those are gone your body should start burning fat immediately. That way you are burning fat throughout your whole cardio session. Secondly the lifting won't leave feeling as burnt out afterwards allowing you to complete your cardio session.
You'll get to 145 in no time.
I know that's what I'm supposed to be doing, and I tried it once this week and like didn't have the energy. There are a few reasons for this, but maybe you have more, I get up realllly really early to workout (I'm on the treadmill no later than 545am), plus I work out in a fasted state. Also, the pair of dumbbells I have is 30lbs which I can lift, but it's like not easy at all and at 5am I'm not tryin to do all that. I have a 15lb medicine ball though. I'm thinking of maybe doing cardio in the AM, then lift in the PM, but I'm looking at my weights right now like uhh no. I'm sure it's a mental hurdle I just need to get over, but these reasons sound legit enough for me right now.