Should I bring my house with too?

nikka just commit that so we can over this discussion
no man, no problem

Should I bring my house with too?
Ill be sreeeus, is the housing warped? All Id do is call the mac store, state your problem and ask them if you should remove your library of pics n vids before bringing it in case of replacement. But Id think they could just swap your drive if needed
well chop it up as QC defect, just callem and ask whats up
Here's what it looks like...
The video came out fukkin stupid though, dont have time to redo it though, but it shows the wobble aha
MacBook wobbles - YouTube
13.3 model doesnt sit level when on a flat surface. Im bringing it on saturday..
Do I need to delete my important shyt of the comp, like porn and shyt
any1 heard of any shyt like this