Ummmm, the people of West Africa migrated to West Africa from the North and East Africa. Scientist believe that the migration occurred because the Sahara grassland dried up and became a desert.
So when the constant warfare in Egypt was added to the disappearance of the grassland around Egypt; it is clear that a lot of people migrated to the South and the West in Africa.
The oral tradition of Yoruba and Igbo people of modern day Nigeria claim that both groups are from Egypt. The Igbo oral tradition goes even further and claims that they are Jews from the line of Jacob.;id=2139
Additionally, the Bantu people are from Egypt and they even even appear to share linguistic ties with ancient Egyptians. the bantu from egypt&source=bl&ots=k719uW06wy&sig=D26HKJ3Lz1RsZiQ1cmwJI7BetSY&hl=en&sa=X&ei=0axWVavsOoqRyQTNmIGoAQ&ved=0CB0Q6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=are the bantu from egypt&f=false
The Bantu's having linguistic ties to Egypt would appear to be very significant because the Bantu for whatever reason settled next to the Igbo people in what we now call Southeastern Nigeria and Western Cameroon. It was from Igboland that the Bantu started one of the greatest migrations in human history by settling all of Central and Southern Africa. All the way from Cameroon in the west Southern Ethiopia and Kenya in the East to Congo, Angola, Tanzania, Ugunda and everything South to modern day South Africa.
It is the Yoruba, Igbo and Bantu that the most slaves were taken during slavery era, which is why African scholars tie Sub Saharan Africans to ancient Egypt. In addition to other things including customs.
Now what is funny to me is that White people over the last few hundred years have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to prove that the Egyptians are different than the other Africans. They have done this despite knowing that the Nubians and the Egyptians were long time trading partners and enemies that conquered each others kingdoms. The Nubian people are from Southern Egypt and the Sudan. The Nubians conquered Egypt and established the 25th dynasty in Egypt. Hell they even have pyramids in the Sudan just like they have in Egypt. So clearly the people of Egypt and the Sudan are related. And we know that the people of the Sudan are truly Black people, which means that the Egyptians were too. In fact Egyptians
The irony of White scholars today trying to prove that Egyptians were not Black is clear folly considering that a White scholar 4,000 years ago from Greece who actually saw the Egyptians; said that they were Black people. That scholar's name was Herodotus. He had no doubt what color they were or who started their kingships; because he said the people from the South of them did (we call them Sudanesse people, he just called them Ethiopians).
Another historian Diodorus of Sicily who say the Egyptians said the same thing. Diodorus stated that the Egyptians were Black people with wooly hair. He also stated the Egyptians were actually Ethiopians who were sent out to settle the land of Northern Egypt. of sicily said that the egyptians were black&source=bl&ots=favy1hldJ-&sig=Zn3b7cMrANTMXf-_Q4XqCxgRf7s&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2rtWVe6bOY73yQTHw4DQBA&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=diodorus of sicily said that the egyptians were black&f=false
The funniest part to me is that normally so called scholars would take the word of historians like Herodotus and Diodorus as proof that something was like what they saw. There would be no questions about it; but White scholars today are basically saying that that Herodotus and Diodorus are liars. They are saying this even though Heroduts and Diodorus actually saw the Egyptians and they lived and traveled throughout Egypt. The White Scholars today looking at Egyptian people are seeing the result of Greek, Roman and Arabs, who themselves were mixed due to the large number of White women in their harems.