Dman414 is the topic of discussion. Your posts are entirely tangential.
False, I initiated the conversation with you, so therefore I set the topic and the tone.
Dman414 is the topic of discussion. Your posts are entirely tangential.
LionofJudah said:False, I initiated the conversation with you, so therefore I set the topic and the tone.
The topic is Lupita and my posts were centered around Czar, not Dman. If he's white, fukk him, he's a devil like the rest. none of my posts in this thread have been 'defending' him. But again, COMMON SENSE tells me that white people 99% of the time aren't going to say Jews are Blacks, they'll say the opposite like Czar does. But if you aren't going to require Czar to prove his identity, don't demand it from someone else.
The topic IS Dman's racism and 'Whiteness' exposed in multiple threads and photos.
He's the one who needs to prove his identity or be banned.
The only other poster besides Czar I know of as familiar with Hebrew Israelite ideology was KingOfSugarHill and he doesn't post in HL anymore.
Now this white devil is reduced to online threats by claiming he's coming to a city I don't even live in.
Dman414 said:blacks can't be racist.
No one asked you for proof of your ethnicity so I don't know what argument you've refuted.
That's besides the point.
Dman414 has been the subject for a couple pages and has yet to confirm he isn't the person in those photos.
..........we're still waiting.
'White' people posing as 'Black' on the Internet ARE racist, though......
'White' people posing as 'Black' on the Internet ARE racist, though......
Dman414 said:Told U I'm black, jew. Learn to read english
אתה רע
Why are people shocked that @Dman414 is white? Wasn't that obvious from the get go?