clowns I am not on social media. besides I hate the packers
silly jew. I just made up Dman 4 was my highschool football number. I played SS, WLB. 14 was my baseball number I played shortshop. Silly fukks
silly jew. I just made up Dman 4 was my highschool football number. I played SS, WLB. 14 was my baseball number I played shortshop. Silly fukks
Post a pic of yourself holding a sign with your username, the current time and my username in it. Don't forget keep your laptop on with in the background.
You have one hour @Dman414 before I start letting Lisa and your job know what you've been doing on the low.
NOBODY in this thread should listen to @Czar. He's a fake ass fakkit ass Jewish guy (Israeli) that pops up whenever you talk about the Edomites who are pretending to be Jews. He lies and claims he is Black and used to be in an Hebrew Israelite camp and that's a complete LIE. He even posted fake pics pretending that this guy is me when it's not. Click the link below.
Lilly white devil from Wisconsin
filthy ass cac
@BarNone can we get an IP check on all three dudes?