I think it's simple really. You have a lot of brainwashed c00ns who look at white standards of beauty as the default. They love their pawgs, etc and then all of a sudden lupita is getting all of this attention and deservedly so and it messes up with what they think should be the standard of beauty which they think lupita is not.
So many c00ns brainwashed because a dark skinned chick like lupita is named most beautiful woman that it messes up with their white washed standards of beauty that they have to complain it's some kind of joke prize by white people. A lot of you should take a look in to yourselves and realize why you think like that. Lupita is classically beautiful and does deserve this based on her beauty alone and not only that but in a society that is dominated by white standards of beauty It makes me shake my head that people denounce lupita winning when little black girls can look at lupita and see that black beauty is being recognized for being beautiful.
What's interesting is, the only posts discussing skin color I've seen are the ones from people like you calling other people out about it. That is, I haven't seen anyone say "she's too dark", but I do seem to see a lot of these kinds of posts in response. Who are you directing this at? Now, granted, I haven't read through every post, but I'm just not seeing it.