Random K-Rino lines from a random song that's better...
The world is yours,
you walking it passively with fear
You expect your problem’s solution to magically appear
Don’t be bathing in depression, you destined to be a great one
You need some money, stop begging for a job and make one
Never envy one's talent, go to the real source
Don’t be jealous of them, just ask God to reveal yours
Gain from your losses, whatever happened was meant to
Don’t let no felony, no drug habit or hate prevent you
Focus on your life several hours a night
You can’t fight the power till you gain the power to fight"
Reason why it's better cause isn't all this needless drop a s and pick up an o nonsense. It actually has content, wisdom, meaning, knowledge, multies and positivity that could be uplifting.
Passively with fear, magically appear, great one, make one, real source, reveal yours, meant to, prevent you, hours a night, power to fight.
Just a few of the multies and it's not even that type of track at all, but that's the point, it's dope even though it's a more simple track, it's more effective and it gets it's point across potently and more effectively than dropping s's and adding o's and dumb pseudo intellectual shyt like that like it's a spelling bee type shyt.
This is saying some direct shyt to people, it's about people who are fearful and apprehensive and shyt, and expect their problem's solution's to magically appear instead of working on overcoming their obstacles. Don't be drowned in a depressive state, cause you have the potential and ability to be great. You need money STOP relying on the system and go and MAKE your own opportunities by using your initiative instead of relying on the corrupt system. Wisdom and righteousness about not being envious and jealous but ask God to reveal your OWN talent, so focus on yourself instead of hating on others. Gain wisdom and experience from your losses, because there is meaning to every loss and don't let anything like a felony, a drug habit which you CAN overcome prevent you from making the most of YOUR own life, take back the control. And plan and focus your life, spend time doing this, you can't fight the system until you gain the power to fight and strive...
Now this has more meaning, depth and is more effective than adding s's and dropping o's and this is a great example actually, you posted that shyt did like it was incredible but the K-Rino verse is much deeper, better, technically, content wise and in pretty much every aspect. This is also an indication of K-Rino being better overall, thanks for helping me illustrate my point. I will be back with a lot more later....