He's basically saying nothing is supreme about white culture/ contribution to society. But maybe we have a different opinions on what " for white people" is.Not sure if you read the letter or didn't comprehend it but here you go....again...."There is nothing about you biologically or physically that denotes an innate mode of supremacy. For that matter there is also nothing about you psychologically, philosophically, cognitively, academically, socially, architecturally, culturally or even financially that signifies a higher position above any other group. And to be diplomatic there is nothing about you that denotes innate inferiority as well. So what you really are is something in the middle. You are regular. White Regularity is congruent to all other forms of regularity i.e. Black, Brown, Etc etc. But in regularity there is room for differences and this is where White Regularity shines! Each group gets the same essential universals. Dance, food, music, etc. and it must be admitted that the White Regularity take on these universal institutions has been unbelievably impressive and a great addition to the total world culture. I mean spaghetti and meatballs, Romeo & Juliet, Coldplay, The Tuxedo, lighter that air travel are all world class additions to the collective bucket but they are no less or more impressive than every other regular groups take on the universals either. And if we really wanted to get analytical every invention is built on inspiration from a previously existinginvention so the claim of "The Supreme 1st" to do something is highly debatable and except for a few exceptions, impossible! All things human aren't born from a supreme overlord solely working in isolation."
He just wrote about how white people can be safe knowing white supremacy doesn't exist because we have all been in this together!!!! But hey you supremely hateful and violent white people don't fret, you guys are regular just like us!!! Matter of fact, you are SUPER regular!!! You created Coldplay!
Do you get it now?
I agree with what you said in your 1st post about this not being needed tho.