Credit to "ShintaroKago" from KTT
Theory of the tape's concept. Breaks down the song Pyramid.
"Starts with 3 Pharoahs and talks of metabolization. Think of breaking down or consumption of food. Ie much of the Mural metaphors of Vitamins and minerals and food. Then switches to banna pies which is food. Then Mosquitos consuming the blood. The same blood that metabolized the food or banna pie. Ie transfer of nutrients amongst souls of different levels. One is a blood sucker. The other is a human. On the seat of lion or seat of lying. Either is a worthy discussion. Soldier dying over old deviance. Soldier dying over gods of the past. Anyway ergo sum empire
this first paragraph is everything that exist in an empire. An lower insect class or mosquito that are seen as blood suckers to be exterminated with no positive value. They absorb nutrients from the "higher ups" ie humans who metabolize the DESSERTS of bannan pie. The fact that it is dessert is key. Especially desserts in deserts because if you imagine food deserts than you get it. Anyway won't go on that. The soldiers defend the empire through worship of the nation, leader etc. RULED BY "LANGUAGE" IN THIS CASE THE WORD PHAROH. More pills means more spills by the whorehouse. Overly medicated pills for erections or viagra to lead to more jizz at the whore house to meet the expections upon themselves through their divorce and broken relationships of monogamy to be "man" enough.
Cleopatra speaking with a mouthful of that jerk chicken. Our view of beauty. Again she is consuming chicken which consumes something else. Chains of consumption amongst a pyramid. I AM JAMAICAN SO JERK CHICKEN REFERENCE A1. Anyway eating a mouthful is generally seen as unattractive yet she still rules over the others possibly a degree of gluttony or over consumption of the dead.Mixed with rum. She ain't dumb because she rules over others from the top. They are her slaves in part due to her beauty. Utilizes the rum to free herself from the constraints of stress or morality (?). How many millionaires can the slums hold? Different levels between dystopia and utopia. POTENTIALLY ALL OF THEM. Hints of gentrificatin, settlements and movement of the poor(mosquito, slave) class elsewhere since they are the undesirables.Spaghetti for the meatballs. Again consumption of the dead. vs Consumption of carbohydrates needed for energy.
Many food allusions for a reason. The song is constructing the Food Pyramid let that sink in. We have dessert at start banna pie, chicken, meatballs, spaghetti just thus far. Love labors because love is work. Bay of pigs continues to ham. Underpaid slaves of jamaican kids. Dumplings more food. filtering lean through a gold grill. Is an reinterpration of the rich. Submarine from Space is the change of the class system. Submarine seeing space. Is BOTTOM OF OCEAN to Top of our existence. Ends with 2 Pharoahs"
This shyt makes sense