This is an album of resurrection and rebirth. When I first heard it I wondered why the slave concept stopped after like track 7. The more I've sat with the music, I realized that the rest of the project, and therefore the project as a whole, is rooted in one of many motifs. One of them I'll highlight is the honoring of people and songs of the past while having them be figuratively reborn again
Tracks 1-7 - resurrection of trans-atlanic slaves that jumped ship into the oceans
Haile Selassie - tribute to Selassie
Alan and Jonylah Forever - tribute to Alan Kurdi and Jonylah Watkins where they're put in an alternate reality for a second life
Imagine - revival of "young Lupe"
Stack That Cheese - spiritual successor of Hip Hop Saved My Life
Happy Timbuck2 Day - tribute to deceased DJ Timbuktu
Quotations From Chairman Fred - tribute to Fred Hampton
Mural Jr. - sequel to Mural (mural reborn

There's so much more to this album but I said all this to say it does have a consistent concept and theme if not multiple
Wasalu the gawd