Seeing Luger and Hall made me think about the days when I used to play WWF Raw for SNES as a kid. It made me think of the game's roster, and where those wrestlers are at now.
Look at this shyt.
Lex Luger - alive but weak as hell, health is questionable but still living somewhat normally
1-2-3 Kid - alive, druggie, is pretty much a joke and a loser but still living normally
Doink - dead
Diesel - alive, still living normally
Shawn Michaels - alive, still living normally even with wonky eye
Owen Hart - dead
Yokozuna - dead
Bret Hart - alive, health is questionable but still living normally
The Undertaker - alive, still competing and living normally
Luna Vachon - dead
Bam Bam Bigelow - dead
Razor Ramon - alive but alcoholic and drug problems, weak as hell, health is questionable, only recently started living somewhat normally and remains to be seen if he can keep it up
Pro wrestling gets REEEEEALLY depressing if you just give it a decade or two