Rozen Maiden Ricky done lost it. No wrestling fed ever had so high a death count.
I don't need a closeup of Famous B announcing, thanks

Vamp, here in The Temple, we've seen concepts such as "Grave Consequences" and "No Mas".... they have similar elements.... one represents "The Inevitable" (death) and one represents "Surrender" (I give up)...." y'all have no idea how much I love Matt Striker on commentary. Philosophical gems tucked in between the spaces of rapid fire match calling.

this broke bottle shyt!

did you apologize to anybody when I got lit on fire!? No. You. Did. Not.


Vampiro an expert at deleting his search history....."

that blonde broad with the glasses never been there before.

she'll be back next week.
I forgot this was a last man standing match.

That suplex to the outside spot.... every other fed as long as I been watching.... that's a tension building spot. They don't let the wrestlers do that.

no this is lucha underground. This ranks up there with my Sexy Star screenshot.

holy shyt this top rope mexican destroyer.

Vamp sounding like Dolores from Westworld: "Have you ever seen such splendor!?"

the crowd! "suck it up, cage! suck it up!

I'm sorry,
@Bryan Danielson . You still the breh though.
I don't have words. Sun is up. Goodnight, everybody.