Taking my talents to South Beach
Zo absolutely hated those Bulls teams, he swung on LongleyDid he talk about that time Zo beat his ass
he gave Pippen this knot
and he wanted to strangle rodman to death
Zo absolutely hated those Bulls teams, he swung on LongleyDid he talk about that time Zo beat his ass
found an article about itI remember when Zo was still on the hornets they got int it on the court and longley got that work
I just did a quick youtube search but nothing came up, but I know it happened.
Zo absolutely hated those Bulls teams, he swung on Longley
he gave Pippen this knot
and he wanted to strangle rodman to death
No. Just no.
Luc Longley was fighting to start over Bill Wennington and Will Perdue with the mask.
well that even makes your statement even MORE hilariousNo. I watched the games.
found an article about it
need a clip tho
Luc Longley against the Sonics > any contribution that Bynum made against The Magic or Celtics
on a side notewell that even makes your statement even MORE hilarious
Luc Longley against the Sonics > any contribution that Bynum made against The Magic or Celtics
You would know that already since your old enough to have watched the games then right
on a side note
if that team was playing against the current NBA. longley would have been taken out of the starting lineup.
they would've gone small ball and put kukoc in as a stretch 4 or 5 with rodman or vice versa with rodman in as center.
would've basically been a mj version of the lebron era miami heat squad.