This is already an all time classic thread.
Throwing my hat in the ring, I think I beef with people on here in many different days but it is all in fun and discussion. I think R=G is the only one who has overstayed his welcome, but laughing at him kind of makes up for it.
Like when he told me to step my life up because he had visited 6 hotels in 5 days or the continued ignoring of all us daring him to set off the explosions he had on all of us. Which I think mine is the way I snitched on him to Femme that he was posting porn on SOHH when they told us to stop linking up shyt. I only did that because his bytchhass was a mod there and was deleting my posts whenever I ethered him.
Couple of things just from reading all 12! Pages:
Ed MOTHEREFFING G is hilarious with the Randy Orton stuff, I don't think its annoying in the least so ya;ll can stop that. He doesn't take over people thread's with it like many other people with Kilq or Rock stuff.
krackdagawd why is Eric saying you went to the admins on him?
Dog Based Gremlin, you were always upper mid card to me
R=G god damn you are fagat with these sigs dude, come on man, I don't want to see that shyt.