For those that have Read Secret relationships Between Blacks and Jews this shouldnt be foreign to you.
The Minister has suffered much and has been persecuted for exposing what this whole fiasco has confirmed. We could not ask for a better peep into the mind of some people who lowkey share Sterlings same statements than what came out of Sterling's own mouth. It exposed some multi-layered truths that the Minister has been exposing for decades.
In this entire situation what has been layed before the world is 1) the Zionist mentality towards and control of Black athletes/entertainers, 2) his open admission and justification of Israel's treatment of Black people, 3) how so called Black leaders and organizations (ie LA NAACP) have been tools and slaves to Jewish money, and so much more.
We must not forget that people of Sterling's mind occupy real seats of power and influence that cause the conditions that our people and the world suffer under. He's small time, but his big brothers are record execs, movie producers/distributors, the Central Bankers, Wall Street rulers, lobbyists, and policy makers who move the govt. This being exposed is a sign of impending vindication of God's man