I'm saying
There was no internet..not many people knew about the side p*ssy Elijah was getting.
You have a movement that is trying to empower black people and all of a sudden you have Malcolm airing out Elijah jeopardizing the movement..plus Elijah was built up as a divine being.
Hindsight is a bytch..
How many people back then knew Malcolm was telling the truth? Did the brothers and sisters outside of Chicago know? From outside looking in it could appear that Malcolm was a turncoat, tom doing the white man bidding.
Then Malcolm came back from Mecca and his message switched and he was talking about worshipping with other races of people.
I could see how Nation members thought he was a traitor..
In the end Malcolm was speaking a message which I believe more closely aligns to I've been taught about God.
I won't totally slam the Nation of islam though.
It became a place for many who were spiritual but were frustrated with the christian church,America and here comes The Nation talking about putting boots and guns to racist crackers heads