@kp404 @FlyRy @MartyMcFly @StraxStrax
Movie's out on the web for the folks interested. :gawdling:
And I liked it. It's basically a modern take on those black & white gothic horrors of ye olde with heavy Blue Velvet influences. In fact, both the antagonists of the story reminded me of Frank Booth in certain aspects. The movie was in need of a stronger narrative though, or at the least the current narrative needed a stronger build-up because a lot of the movie just seems to drift forward coasting on some great ideas (a huge part of the movie deals with an underground night club so fascinating it could carry a movie on its own) to do the heavy lifting. As far as the technical aspect goes Gosling is all there. The cinematography is superb, probably the biggest surprise was how consistently great the movie was shot. Extensive inspired use of colors too, although it can borders close to the point of excessive at times (there's one scene that's practically purple). The cast delivered too, despite half of them basically being buddy-buddies with Gosling (Hendricks, Mendes, Mendelsohn) they didn't slack off.
In the end I can barely recommend it though, because from a narrative standpoint there's little to keep the average viewer's interest. True cinephiles probably won't regret watching it because it is often marvelous to look at, but in the end you'll mostly be wondering about the possibilities if Gosling brings his skills to a stronger story.