that delivery from danny
..whose idea was for him to have a mic?

In what world?You don't know how long I've talked about how overrated (at welterweight) Ghost was. Here is a short summary of nonsense from posters over the years
- He's not bad he beat Andre Berto
- He fought Floyd Mayweather so he can't be that bad and is a worthy opponent
- He punches harder than Miguel Cotto
- He's a good test for Danny Garcia and a good fight overall for him (coming off Ghost nearly ko'ed by Martinez, who has 4 ko's in 26 fights, and getting a gift decision
- He makes for exciting fights at welterweight
Swift interviewing figgy? @ChocolateGiddyUp is inching towards a W this year
That 'tism smile after toothat delivery from danny..whose idea was for him to have a mic?