Congrats to sister Greek
The top law enforcement official in the country. Guides the DoJ, the authority of most federal law enforcement agencies fall under her.What does the attorney general do?
She is very similar to condoleezza rice despite their party affiliations.
What does the attorney general do?
Barack Obama-biracial
Eric Holder-biracial
Loretta Lynch-married to white man
Susan Rice-married to white man
Jeh Johnson-married to white woman
Putting the whole "biracial/married to white" thing aside (which people should really be up on), nobody finds it strange all these people suddenly in these positions now? People are more easily "governed" (oppressed) by people who look like them than those who don't. If that's the case here, then what does that tell y'all about what might be coming down the road? Could there be a reason they've stacked all those people in there now?
For who? And what purpose?
So the first black female Attorney General's name is "Lynch"??
That doesn't sound promising. lol
Knew about Susan Rice. Did not know that about Eric. Come to think of it, how many of our politicians are biracial or married to whites...
Reason I can guess is shyt is going to ramp up over the next few months. Marvel is right. Blacks care too much about imagery/symbolism. Being led to the slaughter and most of us don't even realize it.