Da Spice...
OKC versus Miami could be on some other shyt if Wade decides to actually play and Bosh comes back
Dem negras gotta get pass dem old green b*stards first before they do anything tho.

OKC versus Miami could be on some other shyt if Wade decides to actually play and Bosh comes back
Can this board's server handle and Heat vs OKC Finals?
Another great victory for OKC. They definitely got us on the ropes now. Their youth and athleticism was too much. No dishonor in losing the series to them if it happens.
you humble now you been on some spurs finals shyt since before the playoffs STOP IT fakkit
Of course I was. That's my team. There's no denying OKC has the advantage and is looking like the better team right now. It's not over yet though.lol at you being humble, you were talking some serious shyt about the spurs before the playoffs and during their little streak.
Can this board's server handle and Heat vs OKC Finals?