Danny Green has cost him self millions in FA dollars due to his shytty ass performance in this series
That i do believe he GHOST in this series
Danny Green has cost him self millions in FA dollars due to his shytty ass performance in this series
for instance, joey crawford, he loves the attention so he will bait players into techs, is all theatrical with his calls, and makes bs calls in general
off topic but Priceline.com killed of Shatner
That's true, with the Sooners fans and the Thunder fans, they'd pack out a stadium 8 times a year.
Hey OKC peeps i got a question on the real
how come yall dont have a NFL team or baseball just curious?
Yall bball team got mad fans dont see y u dont have a professional team
Breh I have to say you are the most genuine fan on this bytch. You deserve 3000 coli dollars of OKC wins the Ship. Not a dikkrider, just a fan.