Looking back, who won this segment

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
The Rock & "The Best in the WORLD" CM Punk

feel free to explain why

"cookie puss" :krs:
"you can grace us with your presence with your 7 visits a year":gladbron:
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Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012
I had to google what cookie puss meant.....apparently it's some Ice Cream character, from waaaaaaay before my time, but I get the mention now

See, I created this persona, this rebel, this anti hero that you all love to cheer for because I knew that you all love to cheer for your superheroes. Because here is the truth about Las Vegas, here is the truth about the WWE is that it doesn't matter that if you're the best wrestler, it doesn't matter if you're the best talker, it doesn't matter if you're the best overall performer, it doesn't matter if you make the two clowns sitting to my left on commentary look like amateur hour. There is a glass ceiling and nobody is allowed to break it. That's the simple story of this place. The more popular you are, the more money you make. The more you people cheer for any given superstar, the more opportunities you're afforded. Why do you think a guy like John Cena, who has admittedly had the worst year of his career, gets title shot after title shot after title shot after title shot? Or why a lethal grappler, why a serious submission specialist like Daniel Bryan puts a smile on his face and settles himself, belittles himself with catchphrases. Or why a 400 pound monster, Brodus Clay, soils his hands by touching your filthy, ugly, little children to get in the ring so he can shuck and jive for you. Or why an invisible child, Little Jimmy, is better positioned on the flagship show Monday Night RAW than a workhorse like Tyson Kidd.
Wrestling fans around the world applauded :lawd:

...afterwards Punk's rant went a little off course and didn't make too much sense, almost like he was desperate for boos at that point, which I kinda understand, but the rest of the promo didn't make much sense :ld:

Two types of people on this earth. Those born to be in the spotlight and those born to pay to see the people in the spotlight. Ladies and gentlemen, there's winner and losers. Guess which one you are. You're born to pay to see champions like me, it's not the other way round. And I'll be the first guy to come out here and admit it, I'm honest. I have never ever done this for any of you. There's superstars and there's nobodies. I am a superstar, you are all nobodies. And I'm a real superstar. Those real superstars, hell, if they're your friends, why don't they come out here and give you the millions and millions of dollars they earn? Why don't they lie in your pockets? 'Cause that's— that's not your position on earth.

Got back on track here :obama:

Then he started rumbling about nothing again, but it wasn't bad just random...and then the Rock comes out and...

"The Rock had to hear it all. The Rock wanted to wait until you said everything you had to say, so the Rock knew exactly the kind of man he's dealing with at the Royal Rumble. And now it's become crystal clear to the Rock. You are straight up delusional. You keep mentioning that number 414. 414 days you've been WWE champion. That's incredible, incredible. The real number, it ain't 414, Jack. The real number that haunts your dreams is 20. 20 excuses running around your mind right now. 20 hairs standing up on your straight edge scrotum. Because you know— you know in 20 days you're gonna be defending that WWE championship against the Rock which means in 20 days you know, the Rock knows, they know, in 20 days time's up.
:whew: Dope shyt

You wanted change, you wanted a revolution. You say that when you became WWE champion, you rejected the people. No, no, no, no. The people rejected you. You talked about change. You couldn't do it. You talked about revolution, you couldn't do it. You came out and you promised everybody ice cream bars. Ice cream bars for everybody! And you couldn't even do that. You couldn't provide ice cream if the Dairy Queen car fell and Cookie Puss drove an ice cream truck straight up your ass.
:damn: Straight killer...

Rock panders to the crowd with a chant, Punk responds, Rock goes into his routine leading to "FINALLY"...at this point, we're seeing a GREAT wrestling promo unfold, now we wait to see how it ends/resolves...

Rock cracks a corny joke :snoop: He gets back serious and they do the face/heel build pretty well until...

"Unlike a lot of people I'm glad you're back. I don't care what your schedule is. I don't care if you work here 16 days a year or 365 days a year. You could be Santa Clause and have his schedule, one day a year. I'd still kick your ass. I don't care how many movies you film every year. I know how hard that schedule probably is, but every time you come back, whenever you decide to grace us with your presence, I'm gonna kick your ass. Because this isn't candy land. I'm like nobody you've ever faced before. You can make fun of the color of my t-shirt and you can talk about pie and you can sing songs and you can rhyme and you can do your tired, lame-ass schtick. I just want you to know that come Royal Rumble, and you have about three weeks to realize this, I'm gonna kick your ass 'cause I'm the best in the world. I'm the best thing going today. I'm the best guy you've ever stepped foot in the ring with. And you need to understand, congratulations, Rock, you just graduated from the kiddie table, but you just bit off more than you can chew. You're playing little league with your little insults and your rhymes and your 'millions and millions' and your 'finallys'. And I'm in the big leagues and I'm swinging for the fence. You need to understand that your little jabs and your insults, it's all kiddie games. You can't leave a mark on the champ's face. Come Royal Rumble, understand, when you step in the ring, your arms are just too short to box with God."
:krs: Punk SNATCHED the promo right back and KILLED it, truly a great heel on the mic

Rock comes back in face Rock like fashion, good finisher and overall one of the best promos of 2013

Both had their high points and a couple :ld: moments, but it was HIGH quality work from two of the best microphone talkers of the past 2 decades

With 1000% confidence I can say WE won...between the two of them, I'd say Punk had the last laugh

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
I had to google what cookie puss meant.....apparently it's some Ice Cream character, from waaaaaaay before my time, but I get the mention now

Wrestling fans around the world applauded :lawd:

...afterwards Punk's rant went a little off course and didn't make too much sense, almost like he was desperate for boos at that point, which I kinda understand, but the rest of the promo didn't make much sense :ld:

Got back on track here :obama:

Then he started rumbling about nothing again, but it wasn't bad just random...and then the Rock comes out and...

:whew: Dope shyt

:damn: Straight killer...

Rock panders to the crowd with a chant, Punk responds, Rock goes into his routine leading to "FINALLY"...at this point, we're seeing a GREAT wrestling promo unfold, now we wait to see how it ends/resolves...

Rock cracks a corny joke :snoop: He gets back serious and they do the face/heel build pretty well until...

:krs: Punk SNATCHED the promo right back and KILLED it, truly a great heel on the mic

Rock comes back in face Rock like fashion, good finisher and overall one of the best promos of 2013

Both had their high points and a couple :ld: moments, but it was HIGH quality work from two of the best microphone talkers of the past 2 decades

With 1000% confidence I can say WE won...between the two of them, I'd say Punk had the last laugh
nice analysis:yousure:


Feb 3, 2013
...do you really need to ask? Just put a vote thing up here and that'll tell ya.


Jun 3, 2012
The same person who won back in January. end of discussion


May 3, 2012
Punk won the smarks, Rock won the kids

But they both won with the buyrates as draws and bosses should