I had to google what cookie puss meant.....apparently it's some Ice Cream character, from waaaaaaay before my time, but I get the mention now
Wrestling fans around the world applauded
...afterwards Punk's rant went a little off course and didn't make too much sense, almost like he was desperate for boos at that point, which I kinda understand, but the rest of the promo didn't make much sense
Got back on track here
Then he started rumbling about nothing again, but it wasn't bad just random...and then the Rock comes out and...

Dope shyt

Straight killer...
Rock panders to the crowd with a chant, Punk responds, Rock goes into his routine leading to "FINALLY"...at this point, we're seeing a GREAT wrestling promo unfold, now we wait to see how it ends/resolves...
Rock cracks a corny joke

He gets back serious and they do the face/heel build pretty well until...

Punk SNATCHED the promo right back and KILLED it, truly a great heel on the mic
Rock comes back in face Rock like fashion, good finisher and overall one of the best promos of 2013
Both had their high points and a couple

moments, but it was HIGH quality work from two of the best microphone talkers of the past 2 decades
With 1000% confidence I can say WE won...between the two of them, I'd say Punk had the last laugh