Remember, Maeby and Buster never said a word to each other for damn near the entire first run.
[ame=""]The first (and only) conversation between Buster and Maeby in Arrested Development. - YouTube[/ame]
When George Michael said he had no idea who she was, I thought about it and couldn't think of them ever being in the same room. Everyone else has had some interaction.
So I'm guessing next season/movie will have
Buster on trial for Lucille 2 murder
George Michael and Michael fighting over Rebel

Sally Sitwell and Lindsay running for office
Gob being gay?
GM having to come clean for FakeBlock
George Sr. being a woman
They're still going with the Tobias being black storyline
[ame=""]WHAT IS THAT NOISE - YouTube[/ame]
And my guess is Sally and Tony kidnapped Lucille. She disappeared in a flash and Sally started her political campaign like 12 hours later.